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Who We Are

Geographical Information System Specialists

Located in Castlegar in the West Kootenay region of British Columbia, HARTerra is owned and operated by Jason Hart. Jason has more than 20 years experience delivering GIS solutions for natural resource, environmental, hydropower and utility sectors, as well as working with municipal and regional governments in BC and the provincial government.

HARTerra is passionate about all things geospatial. Agile and creative, we are collaborative and supportive of our clients and love to share our knowledge.


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    Business Analysis

    We focus on helping our clients determine the workflows, technologies, and processes relating to geospatial infrastructure and the right tools to help make them successful. We support our customers by looking for opportunities to leverage their existing investments, resources and knowledge base for maximum results.

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    Project Management and Support

    We support projects by helping to develop standards, proposals and providing expert advice on geospatial projects and technologies.

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    Development, Design and Implementation

    Enterprise system design and implementation, web application development and creating desktop solutions for editing and workflow analysis is a big part of what we do.

  • Want to have orthophoto or LiDAR collected, but not sure what to ask for or who to turn to?
  • Need help putting together a business case for new geospatial technology, data or other resources?
  • Need to hire a GIS staff member but not sure what to look for or what skills are required to be successful?
  • Want a review of and comments on a proposed geospatial project?

What Sets Us Apart

Success requires a holistic approach and HARTerra provides support, training, education, and expertise to make our clients geospatial programs successful. We focus on meeting the needs of each individual client and applying the correct solution. We pride ourselves on our breadth of experience and knowledge.

Jason Hart

Jason Hart

Owner of Harterra and Geographical Information System Specialist

As the Principal of the company, Jason is the primary Project Manager and Business Analyst at HARTerra. With a Bachelor Science from the University of Northern BC and over 20 years of experience in GIS, he has worked with customers in the natural resource and electrical utility sectors, municipal and provincial governments, as well as on software development teams.

Daisy Hart

Daisy Hart

Director of Client & Employee Relations

Daisy is responsible for client and staff relations at the HARTerra office.



City of Penticton Electric

Implementation of an ArcFM based enterprise GIS solution for a small municipal-owned electric utility including configuration, development, data migration and training. This project involved the migration of CAD data, spreadsheets and Access databases into a single enterprise geodatabase that provides access to the geometric network to trace electrical flow as well as a repository of information on all utility assets – poles, streetlights, transformers, conductor, cable, switches, civil structures and customer information. The information is made available to field staff, office workers and management through robust desktop tools, simplified web based applications and mobile devices in the field.

Canadian Infrastructure Report Card

“Almost 60% of Canada’s core public infrastructure is owned and maintained by municipal governments. According to survey results, the total value of core municipal infrastructure assets is estimated at $1.1 trillion dollars, or about $80,000 per household.”

“One-third of our municipal infrastructure is in fair, poor or very poor condition, increasing the risk of service disruption.”

Download the Full Report Here

Our Capabilities

Development and Implementation

  • Geospatial enterprise system design
  • Geospatial business solutions & business process development
  • GIS infrastructure architecture and design
  • Geospatial mobile application design and development
  • Geospatial web application design and development
  • ARCGIS online development
  • Desktop solutions for editing and analysis workflows
  • ARCFM development and implementation
  • Geospatial Python tool and application development
  • Geodatabase, database design and schema development
  • Geospatial enterprise system implementation
  • Systems integration GIS/customer information/ asset management/financial and other systems

Data Management

  • Remote sensing data acquisition and management
  • Data conversion and migration
  • GIS data analytics and modelling
  • Spatial data management
  • SAFE FME data migration and conversions

Support and Project Management

  • GIS workflow automation
  • Geospatial decision support
  • Geospatial business planning
  • GIS software training
  • ARCFM implementation support
  • Geoprocessing services
  • Orthophoto and Lidar collection solutions
  • Human resources – support screening for GIS hires
  • Business case development
  • Mentoring
  • Best practices
  • Standards development
  • Business process development

Contact Us

Tired of waiting for tech support for your GIS software only to be disappointed by the answer and left without knowing how to proceed? Contact HARTerra and our experts will help you find solutions.

Harterra Spatial Solutions

Phone: (250) 608-1335

Give us a call or email. We’d love to hear from you about your project and answer any questions you may have!